Indecent Exposure Defense Lawyer
When an individual intentionally exposes his/her private body parts in an inappropriate place a sex crime is committed. This sex crime is especially serous if committed near a school or if the victim(s) are children. This sex crime can be either a felony or misdemeanor.
There are many defenses to indecent exposure, particularly regarding intent. If you are charged with this sex crime a knowledgeable attorney can be of real help. Many cases are dismissed, not filed or the charges are reduced.
Winning strategies for sex crimes requires top legal skills, hard work and resources. If you are involved with a sex crime of any type you should call Mr. Bridgman to discuss your case. You will receive honest and valuable advice that you need with any sex crime offense. You can reach Mr. Bridgman 24/7 for a free consultation.
Although each sex crime is unique, every sex crime is serious. It is essential to engage a qualified sex crime attorney as soon as possible. Never speak to the police or with anyone before consulting with an attorney. Do not make mistakes at the beginning of your case that will seriously hurt you later. There is too much at risk to do it alone.
When selecting an attorney you want someone you can depend on to be honest. Sex crime defense is a tough business limited to smart lawyers who have the courage to stand up to the public, prosecutors and judges. At the same time, you want an attorney who is realistic with you about your sex crime.
When you come to us for legal help with a sex crime we will thoroughly evaluate your case for every legal and technical defense. We will aggressively litigate sex crime cases when this is in your best interest, but we will not mislead you about your chances or exhaust your resources on meritless defenses.
We have the experience to know when the best strategy is to seek a plea bargain that will minimize the consequences of a sex crime. Reduced charges, counseling, probation and alternatives to jail are often our emphasis.
Call me now. I would like to help,
Bruce C. Bridgman
Attorney at Law
Call me personally 24/7